桃夭(TAOYAO) peach blossom

tao zhi yaoyao, zhuozhuo qi hua. zhizi yugui, yi qi qhijia.
tao zhi yaoyao, youfen2 qi shi. zhizi yugui, yi qi jiashi.
tao zhi yaoyao, qiye zhen1zhen. zhizi yugui, yi qi jiaren.
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夭夭(yao yao): 桃花怒放的样子, blooming aspect of the peach blossom
灼灼(zhuozhuo): 花开得很茂盛,broomy flower
华(hua):花 ,same as 花(flower)
之子(zhizi):指出嫁的女子,the girl getting married
归(gui):女子出嫁,wedding,specially for a girl
宜(yi):和顺,和善, good for something
室家(shijia):指夫妇,the couple
蕡(fen): 果实肥硕的样子, fruitful,always represent a large family with many children.
蓁蓁(zhenzhen): 树叶繁盛的样子,flourishing leaves.
Meng said, A man is willing a home for Her, A woman is willing a family for Him. First line of the poem, indicates the man, talking about the home. Second and third line talk about the way of the couple.
一场盛大的婚礼,一对璧玉的新人,在牵手走过红地毯的时候,唱响这一首歌曲,《桃夭》,在当年,或许就是我们今天的《婚礼进行曲》, 关于婚姻的一切,在这一刻得到了透彻的祝福。
An image of the wedding ceremony, a new couple walk through the red carpet. Taoyao, just like the nowaday’s Wedding March, describes the wish to the new marriage.