今天managerial accouting的第三次小考总算结束了,明天还有最后一次大考。前两次小考还算轻松,这第三次快把人逼疯了,尤其最后一章大堆的公式,做到最后几道题的时候,头脑一片空白,随便选了几个答案,只能依靠明天的大考来拉回一点分了。一考完,我就跑回家,换了衣服去抽了一小时壁球,好好发泄一通,把这两天的压抑统统抛开。幸好明天的大考是在三次小考中各挑10道题换掉数字重新考,这个让我们感觉压力小了很多,晚上还要继续把前面几次考试的内容复习一下,还有该死的最后一章的公式。据说“信小白,得永生”,我就把QQ的签名改成了这个,希望明天的考试能够顺利通过。这段时间天天都是cost,budget,ROI,IRR啥的,甚至做梦都在计算这些值,还有simple rate of return,就是把你这个破公式给忘了,害我没算出来。这门课总算是要结束了。
Scarborough Fair is a famous song from the movie “The graduate”. I have heard this song for a long time, there is also a Chinese version by Zhang Mingmin. I got nothing when I listened to the English song and lyrics, but I found a Shijing style ( a very ancient beautiful Chinese poem style) version tranlation on internet. When I read the translation while listenting to music, I felt that why the lyric can be translate so beautifully? Lika the girl gathering the lotus in the river center thousant years ago, beautiful, lovely and infatuated and clinging. No boundary limitation for the music! Also no boundary for the language. The only thing is the communication among hearts and hearts.
Following is the translation of the lyrics. 以下是歌词的翻译
Are you going to Scarborough Fair 问尔所之,是否如适
Parsely sage rosemary and thyme 蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷
Remember me to one who lives there 彼方淑女,凭君寄辞
She once was a true love of mine 伊人曾在,与我相知
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁
Parsely sage rosemary and thyme 蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷
Without no seams nor needle work 勿用针砧,无隙无疵
Then she will be a true love of mine 伊人何在,慰我相思
(On the side of hill in the deep forest green 彼山之阴,深林荒址
Tracing of sparrow on snow crested brown 冬寻毡毯,老雀燕子
Blankets and bed clothers the child of maintain 雪覆四野,高山迟滞
Sleeps unawafe of the clarion call 眠而不觉,寒笳清嘶)
Tell her to find me an acre of land 嘱彼佳人,营我家室
Parsely sage rosemary and thyme 蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷
Between the salt water and the sea strand良田所修,大海之坻
Then she will be a true love of mine 伊人应在,任我相视
(On the side of hill a sprinkling of leaves 彼山之阴,叶疏苔蚀
Washes the grave with slivery tears 涤我孤冢,珠泪渐渍
A soldier cleans and polishes a gun 昔我长剑,日日拂拭
Sleeps unaware of the clarion call 寂而不觉,寒笳长嘶)
Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 嘱彼佳人,收我秋实
Parsely sage rosemary and thyme 蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷
And gather it all in a bunch of heather 敛之集之,勿弃勿失
Then she will be a ture love of mine 伊人犹在,唯我相誓
(War bellows blazing in scarlet battalions 烽火印啸,浴血之师
Generals order their soldiers to kill and to fight for a cause将帅有令,勤王之事
They have long ago forgoten 争斗缘何,久忘其旨
Sleeps unaware of the clarion call 痴而不觉,寒笳悲嘶)
At first when I read the traslation, I thought it should be written by a master or an ancient poet. I simply googled it and it told me that the poem came from Shijing (a poem colletion of ancient China). I wondered who the poet is, so I searched again and found that the author of the poem is Lianbo( a chinese girl). She translated this 60’s song’s lyrics according the Shijing style and many readers were cheated by her pefect work as writen by an ancient poet.
Liaobo, is a pen name of Zhou. She also has the pen name such as Sangongzi and Buhan(Both the name are likely a boy’s name).She used to be a teacher of a middle school. She introduced herself,”Born in Ningbo,Zhejiang.Grown in Suzhou,Jiangsu. The fate for me like a wood, so she is upright.In her fate,I should meet Canopy, so I should always be longly(In traditional chinese culture,the man who met Canopy would be unlucky). Fateful and a holy followers of Buddha. I like quibbling.”. She was active in the network for about 1994 to 1996 during the study in Chicago.
Following is some introdution from internet, ONLY Chinese.
1、斯卡布罗集市(Scarborough Fair)是翻唱中世纪的一首老歌,作为《毕业生》的插曲之一,从60年代开始,成为了全世界歌迷最喜爱和熟悉的优美歌曲之一。Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel干净、清亮的嗓音让整首歌有一尘不染的纯净。
歌曲以一位在战火中亡故的士兵的口吻唱出,他再不能回到那朝思暮想的家乡,再不能与心上人一同享受生活的甘甜了。心中的悲愤化作一声声催人泪下的控诉:Psey Sge Rsemy & Thyme.成千上万的普通士兵如野花一般被战火摧毁在沙场上,那些战争的作俑者们最终难逃时间的淘洗。野花自在芳香;然而,唯有时间才能检验出谁是真正的贤明圣哲;或许,更古的时间才是真正的圣哲!Time Is Fi!
歌曲作于六十年代末,是奥斯卡奖影片“毕业生”的插曲之一,联系当时的时代大背景(越南战争),不难领会歌曲的内涵,作者保罗.西蒙是六七十年代的青年的代言人。他曾在英国修习英国文学,文学功底深厚,因而其歌词文字意境深遂。本歌歌词改变于一首十七世纪的英格兰民谣。演唱上西蒙和加丰科的配合可谓天衣无缝。在往来寂静的清夜里,让歌声流入你的心田,Tuh The Deep Of Yu Het!
此歌的歌眼,即Parsely sage rosemary and thyme这一句是歌中反复萦绕的衬词。歌者在Sge 与 Thyme上的有意延长似乎是在提醒我们注意:Sge既指鼠尾草,同时又有”贤哲/圣哲”之意;而Thyme则与Time谐音。因此,歌名S-Bw-Fi.S与Fi深沉昭示了歌者的本意——战争与和平(Anti-W)。
在第二个诗节(stanza)中出现的欧芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香(parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme) 是一个很重要的主题。今天人们对这四种植物没有什么特别的感觉,但那个时代它们给人的联想就像当今红玫瑰与爱情的关系一样,象征着歌者对期待着心上人和自己具有的品质,因此她才有可能回到他的身旁。