Python + Android APP 方式获取树莓派的 IP

每次要 SSH 到树莓派都很麻烦,我是没找什么办法,每次都得连上显示器鼠标键盘。才能知道IP地址。看了点 Python,写了个脚本来发出 IP 地址,这样就省事多了。

发现启动时有可能早于树莓派网络初始化,会导致 UDP 服务初始化出现问题。脚本里面延时 30 秒执行。在树莓派4测试通过。

创建 Python 脚本

创建的代码文件名,保存在 /home/pi 目录下或者其他你指定的位置。

import socket import uuid import time import os import time import logging from logging import handlers # 获取MAC地址 def get_mac_address(): mac = uuid.UUID(int=uuid.getnode()).hex[-12:] return “:”.join([mac[e:e + 2] for e in range(0, 11, 2)]) # 获取IP地址 def get_host_ip(): try: my = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) my.connect((‘’, 80)) # ip = my.getsockname()[0] ipList = my.getsockname() finally: my.close() return ipList def _logging(**kwargs): level = kwargs.pop(‘level’, None) filename = kwargs.pop(‘filename’, None) datefmt = kwargs.pop(‘datefmt’, None) format = kwargs.pop(‘format’, None) if level is None: level = logging.DEBUG if filename is None: filename = ‘default.log’ if datefmt is None: datefmt = ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’ if format is None: format = ‘%(asctime)s [%(module)s] %(levelname)s [%(lineno)d] %(message)s’ log = logging.getLogger(filename) format_str = logging.Formatter(format, datefmt) # backupCount 保存日志的数量,过期自动删除 # when 按什么日期格式切分(这里方便测试使用的秒) th = handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(filename=filename, when=’H’, backupCount=3, encoding=’utf-8′) th.setFormatter(format_str) th.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # ch.setFormatter(format) log.addHandler(ch) log.addHandler(th) log.setLevel(level) return log os.makedirs(“logs”, exist_ok=True) mylog = _logging(filename=’logs/udpserver.log’) print(“等待30秒”) mylog.debug(“等待30秒”) time.sleep(30) print(“等待结束”) mylog.debug(“等待结束”) HOST = ” PORT = 9999 BUFSIZ = 1024 ADDRESS = (HOST, PORT) udpServerSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udpServerSocket.bind(ADDRESS) # 绑定客户端口和地址 myname = socket.gethostname() print(“myname:” + myname) mylog.debug(“myname:” + myname) myIPList = get_host_ip() print(“myIPList:” + str(myIPList)) mylog.debug(“myIPList:” + str(myIPList)) macAddress = get_mac_address() print(“macAddress:” + macAddress) mylog.debug(“macAddress:” + macAddress) while True: print(“waiting for message…”) mylog.debug(“waiting for message…”) data, addr = udpServerSocket.recvfrom(BUFSIZ) currCode = data.decode(‘utf-8’) print(“接收到数据:” +currCode) mylog.debug(“接收到数据:”+currCode) # content = ‘[%s] %s’ % (bytes(ctime(), ‘utf-8’), data.decode(‘utf-8’)) # 发送服务器时间 if currCode == “TIME”: content = “Time:” + time.strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”, time.localtime()) udpServerSocket.sendto(content.encode(‘utf-8’), addr) # 发送IP地址 elif currCode == “IP”: content = “IP:” + str(myIPList) udpServerSocket.sendto(content.encode(‘utf-8’), addr) # 发送mac地址 elif currCode == “MAC”: content = “MAC:” + macAddress udpServerSocket.sendto(content.encode(‘utf-8’), addr) # 发送ip mac地址 elif currCode == “IP_MAC”: content = “IP:” + str(myIPList) + “|MAC:” + macAddress udpServerSocket.sendto(content.encode(‘utf-8’), addr) # 退出UDP服务端 elif currCode == “EXIT”: content = “服务端退出” udpServerSocket.sendto(content.encode(‘utf-8’), addr) # print(content) break # 重启 elif currCode == “REBOOT”: content = “服务端重启” udpServerSocket.sendto(content.encode(‘utf-8’), addr) print(“服务端开始重启”) mylog.debug(“服务端开始重启”) os.system(‘shutdown -r now’) break # 关机 elif currCode == “SHUTDOWN”: content = “服务端关机” udpServerSocket.sendto(content.encode(‘utf-8’), addr) print(“服务端开始关机”) mylog.debug(“服务端开始关机”) os.system(‘sudo shutdown -h now’) break else: udpServerSocket.sendto(“Bad Key”.encode(‘utf-8’), addr) # content = ‘[%s] %s %s’ % (bytes(ctime(), ‘utf-8’), str(myIPList), macAddress) # udpServerSocket.sendto(content.encode(‘utf-8’), addr) print(‘…received from and returned to:’, addr) mylog.debug(‘…received from and returned to:’, addr) udpServerSocket.close() print(“服务端退出”) mylog.debug(‘服务端退出’)


SSH 登录树莓派运行下面的命令配置开机启动项:

sudo nano /etc/rc/local




这个时候怎么看我们的程序是否自启动了呢。登录树莓派 执行 sudo systemctl status rc-local 看看 FindIPUDPServer 是否已经起来了。

Android 客户端和源码

树莓派 Python 脚本配置好以后重启。打开 APP 就能搜到树莓派的IP地址




APK 文件: 提取码: htri

源代码链接: 提取码: 14up